With the flu spreading around it is important to have a strong immune system. A strong immune system is very beneficial, it can fight off virus that people with a weak immune system can't, even things such as the common cold. It also makes you feel good and fell healthy. Here are some natural ways you can do to build up your immune system. The first is what we all just learn stress. Having high stress levels can negatively effect us emotional and physically. The effects are the stress causes us to release chemicals which help with our natural defenses which help us fight disease. There are foods that can help build your immune system like mushrooms, onions and garlic. These foods contain thiosulfinates and ajoene which help fight bacteria. Orange foods help with your skin which is your first line of defense against virus. Vitamin D, that's not found in many foods, is a great source that positively effects the immune system in many ways. Last but not least is the given exercise method. Daily exercise helps boast immune system as well as decreases stress.
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